TO: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools
All Others Concerned
1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Policy Guidelines on the K to 12 Basic Education Program to provide context and articulate its context, features, and programs.
2. The Policy provides a comprehensive explanation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program and its components across all key stages. It also provides a
framework for the monitoring and evaluation of the program.
3. The policy integrates many of the existing policies and guidelines on the K to 12. It also provides a reference point for the going and/or future review of any of its components as may be directed by the Secretary.
4. This policy will remain in force and in effect unless sooner repealed amended, or rescinded.
5. Immediate dissemination of this Order is directed.