Message from the Office of the School Principal
📷We thank God that as of now, no teachers, non-teaching personnel, parents, students and pupils are infected with COVID-19. We extend our deepest gratitude that our God continually protects us from this deadly virus.
We also thank our City Government led by our very outstanding local executive, Mayor Lino Cayetano for doing all his best to ensure health of the public and ensure that no Taguigenos are infected with this virus. We also thank the Department of Education for always reminding us on how to protect ourselves against this virus.
We also thank our government led by our very excellent president, Pres. Digong Duterte for a praiseworthy action to save Filipinos against impending spread of this deadly virus.
I remind KERIS community to just stay at home and obey all the reminders, admonitions and instructions provided by the government from time to time. Avoid unnecessary movement or travel from one to another to avoid COVID-19 infection. Always tune in to the television or Facebook online announcement to keep abreast with the latest situation regarding COVID-19 update.
It is also time to read books, to spend time with the family; to do various indoor activities, house chores, and have meditation and reflection with God to thank Him for His continued support, protection and love.
May God bless us all.
Principal IV