If you are a public school teacher and assigned to teach in the city, town proper, or even in nearby barangay then you are lucky that amidst the loads of works of teachers you are still in a good location upon the submission of those reports or paperwork.
These public school teachers from Leyte are literally climbing mountains just to find a good signal reception for their wifi or data so that they could send and accomplish various DepEd reports.
Photo courtesy of Joseph Sumayang
As the photos show, with their laptops and smartphones while sitting on the grass and rocks, they are regularly doing this just to comply with their duties especially when the reports are urgently needed.
As you may all know, our public schools in many of far-flung areas are not yet in the reception of internet and even mobile signals which lead these teachers to extend their duties and make more effort to climb mountains, walk extra miles, and even climb trees just to hang their pocket wifi.
Photo courtesy of Joseph Sumayang
These are just some of our fellow teachers who are very much willing to extend their services for the love of their professions. Let's just hope that our government finds this admirable and give them what they truly deserve.