While we appreciate the assurance that there will be an increase in our basic salaries come the year 2020, we also want to express our dismay over the scheme that the legislature may want to provide this adjustment. The impending increase is thru another salary standardization law (SSL V) and would only amount to 30% of the present entry-level salary of teachers or a total of more than P6,000, a very small amount compared to our demand of P10, 000 across-the-board. Worse, this will be divided in four tranches that would be spread until 2023 (around of P1, 561 per year).
Teachers and government employees suffered low pay and limited benefits since 1989 when the salary standardization law (SSL 1) was first implemented. This unjust and discriminatory scheme should be ended. It only perpetuated our poor condition and low chances for socio-economic growth.
The 900,000 strong teachers and DepEd employees are anticipating a pay scheme that recognizes the teachers' crucial role in our society.
The President made a promise, we believed, we waited patiently, but in the end, the substantial increase in our salaries was never realized. - Teachers' Dignity Coalition https://www.facebook.com/teachers.dignity/posts/3159710797391946