Here are some clarifications on the effectivity and payment of the salary increase under SSL 5 from DepEd Undersecretary for Finance, Annalyn M. Sevilla. Once more, teachers are updated with this latest information regarding the salary increase, thanks to the official page of Usec. Sevilla. Please read her official post below.
Clarifications on the effectivity and payment of the salary increase for CY 2020 SSL5
Effectivity = January 2020
Salary Differential = salary SSL5 less salary SSL4 (for months we didn’t receive the SSL5 yet; starting Jan 2020 until your payslip is adjusted to SSL5rate)
Payslip and salary pay with SSL5 = when Notice of Salary Adjustment is issued by your unit/office’s HR when the following are complied with:
1. DBM Circular on implementation of SSL5 is issued; and
2. DBM release of funds to cover increase in salary (which will be from DBM-MPBF released to DepEd)