To: All Master Teachers, Grade Level Chairmen, Subject Area Coordinators and Unit/Center Coordinators
From: Office of the School Principal
Subject: Submission of 2019 Accomplishment Report (January 2019 to December 2019)
Date: January 6, 2020
You are hereby requested to submit your 2019 Accomplishment Report on or before January 13, 2020.
The format of the said report must at least have the following parts:
1. Introduction
2. Background of the Unit
3. Organizational Structure
4. Updates on the Profile of the Unit
5. Highlights of Accomplishments
5.1. Winnings
5.2. Flagship Programs, Projects, Innovations and Best Practices
5.3 Professional Development, Trainings and Seminar Workshops Conducted and
Attended (Including Graduate Studies enrolled /finished)
9. Directory of Teachers/Personnel
For Master Teachers, the format should have the following parts:
1. Introduction
2. Background of the Grade Level (Present Enrolment, Enrolment for the Last
Five Years, Total Number of Teachers, List of Teachers)
3. Organizational Structure
4. Highlights of Accomplishments
4.1 Instructional Supervision
4.2 Technical Assistance and Mentoring
4.3 Monitoring and Evaluation
4.4 Curriculum Development, Enrichment and Localization
4.5 Learning Resource Outcome Assessment
4.6 School Project Management
4.7 School Delegated Management
4.8 Action Research
5. Flagship Programs/Innovations/Best Practices
6. Directory of Teachers/Personnel
Immediate and wide dissemination of this memorandum is desired. May God bless you.
Principal IV