SY 2019-2020
To: All Teachers, Non-teaching Personnel, Parents, Students and Pupils
From: Office of the School Principal
Subject: Composition of School Planning Team
Date: July 23, 2019
KERIS Planning Team composes of the following individuals:
1. The School Principal as the Chairman/Chairperson
2. May N. Umali as Master Teacher in Charge of School Planning
3. Jenalyn A. Sarmen, as School Planning Coordinator
4. Faculty Club President as member
5. GPTA President as member
6. SSG President as member
7. Administrative Officers (Elem, JHS and SHS)
8. Barangay Councilor In Charge of Education
They will be responsible in the development of School Improvement Plan and other strategic plans of the school.
May God bless you.
Principal IV