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NEW FLASHCARDS (Ready to Print) Free Download

Download for FREE these new set of reading flashcards that we have arranged to help you in assisting your learners to read. In order to make it easier for you to download, we decided to put it the MS Word Format and for you to readily print it whenever you prefer.

One of our goals is to help you find your most needed materials in teaching so that we can assure that every teacher is equipped with the necessary tools and materials in pursuance to making our learners functionally literate.

However, we do not claim ownership of these materials. We only share it with you for educational and instructional purposes.



Help our community by also sharing your works or teaching materials with us. We will schedule to post it here on our website so we can reach and help more of our fellow teachers. Rest assured that your name will be included in the content in appreciation for your contribution. Happy teaching!

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