The technical and physical ability of an athlete is never alone a defining factor for its excellent performance. One substantial factor is also the coach. A coach, who is by nature a leader, guides, inspires, and empowers athletes to achieve their maximum potential.
In the Department of Education (DepEd), a coach is a designated position based on technical qualifications, experience, training/preparation and at times, passion and love for sports matter. For DepEd personnel, coaching (also considered as coordinatorship), falls under ancillary service as defined by the Office of Planning Service, cited in an enclosure to DepEd Order No. 51, series 2007. The same, considered as special assignment for the entire school year combined, is given one teaching load as stipulated in DepEd Memorandum No. 291, series 2008.
Considering the responsibility of DepED coaches in molding and developing our student-athletes into well-rounded individuals, it is of paramount importance to consider coaches’ welfare and ensure that they work in an enjoyable, positive, and supportive environment to perform their functions effectively.
Proposed Benefits for Coaches 1. Creation of Plantilla Position for Sports Coach. Sports Coach is a designation or special assignment in the school system. The creation of a plantilla position for such will allow hiring of qualified personnel to focus solely on selecting, identifying, training, and developing athletes, taking into consideration salary and incentive package commensurate to the job and qualifications.
2. Higher Entry Level. For DepEd personnel, being a coach requires a set of qualifications such as training and experience, over and above their qualification to their current position. This makes them unique from other workloads, hence, a higher entry level such as Teacher II or Teacher III may be considered.
3. Coaching as ONE teaching load. This is a reiteration of existing DepEd issuances and provisions in the Magna Carta for Teachers. Nevertheless, it should be made clear that a coaching job is a special assignment and shall be considered as one teaching load. Extended coaching hours shall fall under ancillary services subject to the guidelines set by the Department.
4. Sports Coaching as a KRA. Sports coaching is never a Key Result Area (KRA) for a teacher no matter how long is the time devoted for the job. It is only just to consider sports coaching as one of the KRAs of a teacher-coach. He/she can be assessed through his/her team’s performance in the competition.
5. Opportunities to attend scholarships, national and international trainings, seminars, and accreditations on official business. However, similar to other sponsored scholarships and training programs, service payback is required to ensure return of investment by the Department and transfer of technology.
6. Privilege of children to enter SUCs on sports-related courses. Another long term incentive for coaches is the privilege of their children to avail of assured slots or scholarships in prestigious state universities and colleges (SUCs) on courses related to sports. Given the meager compensation of coaches especially in public schools, the assurance of getting their children into college and taking courses close to their hearts, is what matters most to them. This will likewise ensure the continuity and sufficiency of coaches in the future.
7. Recognition and Incentive System. It is proven effective that personnel who are recognized and given rewards tends to become more motivated and inspired to perform tasks. Incentives may not only be monetary but also in the form of sports supplies and equipment to be given to schools where he/she is coaching. Moreover, attendance to trainings, seminars and conferences may be considered as a form of encouragement, in the same manner that they will be allowed for membership to recognized sporting bodies here and abroad.